
Open Streets Initiative

Since the beginning of 2020, our community has felt the profound impact of  the COVID-19 pandemic. Families were forced to adjust to the realities of virtual learning, social distancing,  and increased time indoors. 

The Open Streets Initiative was created as a way to bring recreational activities directly into neighborhood parks and playgrounds so that children and families can have access to safe, fun, and healthy opportunities for play. 

Since 2020, Open Streets has held nearly 30 community events to engage youth and families in recreational activities. Thanks to incredible community partners such as Sheriff PAL, Pontiac Youth and Recreation Enrichment Center, Oakland County Parks and Recreation, and Meet Up and Eat Up, youth from across Pontiac were able to engage in weekly summer programs. 

From learning how to play soccer, creating new arts and crafts, jumping on bounce houses or climbing rock walls, each week was filled with opportunities for children and families to get outside and have fun. 

We have an exciting lineup of activities for 2023 – please stay tuned for more details! If you have questions, would like to volunteer, or be a community partner for future programming, please reach out to: [email protected]

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